Department History

Department of Tissue Engineering was established in 2016 as a subgroup of medical genetics at the Medicine Faculty, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. In 2017, it was announced as an independent group of University. Department of Tissue Engineering are offering programs in PhD degree for “Tissue Engineering”. Currrently, five PhD students are training in this Department.

The developing field of tissue engineering is a multidisciplinary and relies on knowledge from clinical medicine, biomaterials sciences, mechanical  engineering, chemistry engineering and genetics. Tissue engineering exerts the principles of engineering and biological sciences to develop biological substitutes that can mimic natural tissue to regenerate or improve tissue or whole organ function. The tissue engineering aims to regenerate damaged or diseased tissues using Cells, Biological Molecules, Scaffolds and Bioreactors. The scaffolds are used as templates for tissue regeneration to guide the growth of new tissue. Scaffolds have been fabricated by natural, synthetic, or semisynthetic biomaterials  and cell lines or stem cells have been applied in this field. 


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Last Update 07/01/2023
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